
Memorable moment from your childhood

  Memorable moment from my childhood is the first day I met my best friend. It was a summer evening, and the neighborhood was buzzing with the excitement of children playing on the playground. As I sat on the grass, watching my friends play, I felt a sense of anticipation and wonder.   Suddenly, a boy carrying a ball and grinning mischievously approached me. His name is Faiz , and he just moved into our neighborhood. We struck up an instant conversation, talking about everything from our favorite superheroes to our love of video games.   When the playground was bustling with children, we sat together on the edge of the playground, sharing stories and laughter. It was as if we had known each other for years. From that day on, we were inseparable. We spend hours together, exploring the neighborhood, playing games, and just being there for each other.   Our friendship is forged in fire, a bond that has stood the test of time. Even as we grew older and our lives took different paths, our r

A place you have always wanted to visit.

  A place I have always wanted to visit is Kedah. Kedah, a state nestled on the northwestern coast of Peninsular Malaysia, has long captivated my imagination. With its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, Kedah offers a unique and unforgettable experience.   One of the primary reasons Kedah has always been on my bucket list is its historical significance. The ancient Kedah Kingdom, once a powerful empire, left behind a rich legacy that is still clear today. I yearn to explore the ruins of the Kedah Tua, a bustling port city in the past, and learn about the fascinating stories of its rulers and people.   Moreover, Kedah's natural beauty is truly breathtaking. The pristine beaches of Langkawi, with their clear waters and white sands, offer a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. I envision myself lounging on the beach, soaking up the sun, and enjoying the tranquility of the surroundings.   Beyond the beaches, Kedah boasts lush rainforests, maje

Reflect on your recent accomplishment.

My most recent accomplishment was when I took my SPM exam results. Reflecting on my SPM experience, I will see it as a milestone in my academic journey. Intense learning, stress, and exam stress are still fresh in my mind.   One of the most satisfying aspects of the SPM was the sense of accomplishment that came with completing such a demanding task. Therefore, it was a testament to my hard work, dedication, and resilience. I also felt a sense of relief and closure, knowing that a major chapter in my education had end .   Having achieved high scores on the SPM, I experienced a sense of pride and accomplishment. Moreover, t hese results opened new opportunities and pathways for my future, serving as a validation of my abilities and potential.   The SPM was a valuable experience that shaped my future. It taught me important life lessons about perseverance, resilience, and the importance of challenging work .    

Current event or social issue that matters to you.

A current event or social issues that is matter to me is the problem of garbage pollution in rivers and seas. This issue is not a new thing for people in our country or even  around the world but most of them choose not to take any action. Moreover, Litter pollution in these waterways has become a widespread crisis, threatening our ecosystems, health, and future generations.    The root cause of this pollution lies in irresponsible human behavior , such as carelessly discarding garbage into rivers. These dangerous pollutants pose a significant risk to marine life. Many marine creatures mistake debris for food, leading to ingestion, entanglement, and death.    Addressing the litter pollution crisis in rivers and seas requires a multifaceted approach. This includes reducing plastic waste, improving waste management systems, and promoting innovation in sustainable materials. By taking collective action, we can mitigate the harmful effects of litter pollution and create a healthier plane

A Day In My As A College Student

  The alarm blares, jolting me awake. It's 7:00 AM, and I have a 9:00 AM lecture. Groggily stumbling out of bed, I grab a quick breakfast and head to the class. Once in class, I settle into my seat and t he class is filled with the chatter of fellow students discussing upcoming assignments. When the class started, I pick up my notebook and focus on the lecture. The hours seem to fly by, a blur of theories, examples, and discussions. After class, I grab a quick bite to eat at the campus cafeteria before heading to the library to work on my assignments.   The library is a bustling hive of activity, with students of all ages engrossed in their studies. I find a quiet corner, spread out my books and laptop, and dive into my work. Hours pass as I research, write, and edit. The satisfaction of completing a task is a small victory in the midst of the academic grind.   By the time I finish my work, it's late afternoon. I head back to my dorm room, exhausted but I did enjoy the day. I